Promotion And Recognition Of Research Which Has Significant Environmental, Safety And Health Impact On The Semiconductor Industry
Effective Date – October 1996
1 Policy Statement
The purpose of this policy is to provide general guidelines and procedures for the identification, funding and recognition of research projects that have significant ESH impact on the semiconductor industry or related field(s).
2 Scope
This policy prescribes general guidelines and methodology for the selection of one (1) ESH research project per year and includes; the creation of a repository of funds dedicated to industrial ESH research, identifies co-sponsors and contributors, defines the review process for selection of qualified candidates and research topics for consideration, and establishes a process for recognition of completed projects in a public forum.
3 Creation of Repository For Research Awards
The SESHA BOD shall establish a repository for research awards and shall maintain these funds in a specific account. A minimum of TWO THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS ($2,500.00) shall be deposited into the research award(s) account on an annual basis. Unexpended funds shall remain in the account and shall be dedicated to future research projects and related programs.
Matching funds shall be solicited from the Semiconductor Research Corporation (SRC). TWO THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS ($2,500.00) shall be the minimum funding level provided for a total of $5,000.00. Funds shall be deposi- ted in the research award(s) account at the beginning of the fiscal year.
Contributions may also be solicited from SESHA Corporate Memberships and individuals interested in promoting good science. No minimum has been established for individual or corporate support.
The Research Review Panel shall meet at least semi-annually to review research proposals and obtain progress reports regarding research in progress. Meetings shall convene in a mutually agreed upon location and expenses shall be shared by the three co-sponsors.
4 Research Selection Criteria
Selection of Researchers and projects to be funded under this policy shall be determined by a Research Review Panel. The Research Review Panel shall consist of NINE (9) JUDGES – Three from each co-sponsor (SEMATECH, SRC, SESHA.) and may consist of:
SESHA : SESHA BOD Reps (2) (Appointed by SESHA Pres.) SESHA Academic Committee Member (1)
SEMATECH: Three judges selected by this organization criteria
SRC: Three judges selected by this organization criteria
The Research Review Panel shall select a Chairperson, a Vice-Chair and a scribe to ensure that the selection process progresses in an orderly manner and that the Panel’s meetings are well documented. Research proposal review shall included the following considerations:
4.1 Applicability
4.1.1 Enables significant improvement in semiconductor manufacturing technology
4.1.2 Suppliers Involvement and participation
4.1.3 Reduces Manufacturing Costs
4.2 ESH Improvement
4.2.1 Reduces overall ESH risks
4.2.2 Reduces chemical consumption/emissions (quantity)
4.2.3 Lowers ESH costs
4.3 Roadmap Alignment
4.3.1 Addresses needs defined in the National Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors
4.3.2 Timeliness of Accomplishments
4.4 Creativity
4.4.1 Scientific merit (e.g. Best Paper Award)
4.4.2 Scientific methodology (e.g. data collection is statistically significant
4.4.3 Originality (e.g. patentability)
4.5 Research candidates and projects shall be identified utilizing one or more of the following criteria:
4.5.1 Researchers and topics shall be identified via a “Call for Nominations” which includes general instructions and minimum requirements. (Appended)
4.5.2 Graduate students and ESH topics may be submitted by the professor at core schools participating in SESHA’s Academic Program.
4.5.3 Researchers “at large” may submit proposals for ESH research projects – via an SESHA National or Regional Director, SRC sponsor or SEMATECH member company or affiliate.
4.5.4 Research submittals must include: The researchers biography and qualifications Previous research completed by the researcher A proposal outlining research outcomes and projections, A commitment to complete the research in a timely, professional fashion Identification of Professor or Sponsor Relevant graphs, charts and diagrams.
4.5.5 All students/professors submitting a proposal for research review and approval shall receive a formal response from the Research Review Panel indicating: Status of research review Confirmation of Selection or Rejection Identification of SESHA Coordinator who can be contacted for additional information/clarification.
5 Research Review/Evaluation Procedures
Research projects awarded by this co-sponsored activity shall be subject to audit and review by members of the Research Review Panel.
Funding for research projects shall be provided in one (1) installment; which shall be awarded immediately after the selection process has been completed.
Research papers and project results shall be subject to formal review within 60 days of completion of the project. Applicants shall be required to provide the Research Review Panel with a competent defense of the research work and provide substantive, credible data to support research results.
Completed research shall be presented at a public forum which provides visibility for the research and the student. The SESHA International Conference should be considered as one possible venue with alternatives selected from a list generated by members of the Research Review Panel and agreed upon by consensus vote of the panel members.
Travel expenses for the researcher and professor who are required to attend panel meetings and/or review procedures shall be provided by the co-sponsors on an as needed basis.
All research data shall be provided in a clear, concise manner, following general guidelines established by the SESHA Publications Committee. Papers submitted shall meet the “Author Guidelines” established for the SESHA Journal and each submittal shall include hard copy as well as diskette format .
Completed research shall be reviewed for publication in the SESHA Journal.
Successful candidates shall receive a plaque from the co-sponsors which adequately portrays the significance of the research completed.
Research subjects, judging of proposals and awards shall conform to the calendar appended to this SOP as Addenda “A”. (Dates/benchmarks and activities to be identified and documented by Ron Scholtz.)
6 Program Duration/Tenure
6.1 Formal co-sponsors of the ESH Research program are committed to the promotion, development and implementation of the process for FIVE (5) YEARS. At the conclusion of this period, the Research Review Panel and the sponsors affiliated with this program shall:
6.1.1 Elect to terminate the program, or;
6.1.2 Re-commit to the present level of support and sponsorship, or,
6.1.3 Expand the program to include additional research, award levels, multiple research awards, etc