Become a member
Join SESHA to empower you in your professional ESH development journey.
Learn – Engage — Advance
SESHA membership is free! Why FREE? A core value of SESHA is to serve all industries in the High Technology community and we may best accomplish this through an open membership model.
As a SESHA member you’ll receive exclusive access to resources designed for your professional success. SESHA’s FREE membership keeps you connected to leaders in the field, the latest data and knowledge, and the most up-to-date policies that impact our industry.
Learn with SESHA:
SESHA’s annual symposium — network with top industry professionals, discuss cutting edge high technology ESH topics, learn about approaches to ESH challenges and emerging ESH technologies, and foster collaboration with others within the SESHA community. Proceedings from past symposia are available in the members-only area of the SESHA website.
SESHA webinars – access to feature presentations on important topics to the ESH professional in the high technology and associated industries. Webinars are held monthly and past webinars are accessible in the members-only area of the SESHA website.
Library Resources – Get access to archives of historical presentations and technical papers from past SESHA symposiums, regional meetings, and journals in the members-only area of the SESHA website.
Engage with SESHA:
Updates – As a SESHA member, receive periodic updates on the latest news and events.
Networking – Build your professional network through collaboration with other SESHA members at Regional and National events and through SESHA leadership roles.
Leadership – Become a leader and support SESHA through a variety of roles by participating on the symposium planning committee, in a local chapter leadership role, and by advancing to a National Board of Director role.
Advance with SESHA:
Professional career advancement through access ESH job listings in the high technology and associated industries in the SESHA career center.
Earn certification education units at SESHA’s Annual Symposium, local chapter mini-conferences, continuing education courses and webinars.