Speaker Selection Criteria Standard Operating Procedures
Effective Date – 1994
1 Policy Statement
It is the purpose of this policy to provide guidelines and procedures for the identification and selection of speakers for SESHA conferences, symposiums and similar speaking engagements.
2 Scope
This procedure provides guidelines for speakers and lecturers at the International, National and Regional level of SESHA activities and shall be incorporated into program and agenda development when SESHA sponsors educational, training and orientation programs.
3 Speaker Eligibility and Selection
3.1 It is the policy of SESHA to select speakers and lecturers who are recognized leaders in their field(s), who posses the education, experience and visibility necessary to capably and effectively communicate their message to an audience.
3.2 SESHA speakers and lecturers shall be selected from government, academia, industry and the community. The prime criteria for selection shall he based strictly on the persons qualifications and ability to communicate.
3.3 Every effort shall he made to ensure that speaker selection adequately reflects the expertise of presenters available and that, where possible, agendas should show a variety of presenters. Steering Committee Chairpersons shall strive to ensure that redundancy is minimized and that speakers are not asked to give the same presentation in one or more of the conference components. Speakers on general subjects should not continue to cover the same data year after year.
3.4 SESHA Conference Chairs and Planning Committee members shall be responsible for adhering to the guidelines established in this policy. Deviations from this policy shall require approval from the SESHA BOD.
3.5 Speakers shall be provided with general guidelines with regard to SESHA’s presentation requirements. These guidelines shall include instructions on preparation and delivery of audio visual (slide and overhead) data, the use of hand held and lapel microphones and similar equipment.
3.6 All SESHA conferences and symposiums of more than one day duration shall include the selection of one (1) alternate or standby lecturer to ensure that voids in the conference agenda are minimized.
3.7 Conference Session Chairpersons and moderators shall be responsible for obtaining biographical data and abstracts from speakers and lecturers. Steering committee members shall also be responsible for obtaining copies of the presenters’ paper if the conference includes the development and dissemination of conference proceedings.
4 Speaker Travel, Lodging and Conference Expenses
4.1 SESHA shall not be responsible for defraying costs associated with speaker/lecturer travel, lodging or conference expenses. Deviations in this principle must be approved by the SESHA Board of Directors.
4.2 Speakers selected from Industry shall be expected to pay conference fees and costs associated with travel and lodging.
4.3 Speakers selected from academia, government or community, with specific expertise not available from other sources may be reviewed, on a case by case basis, for possible financial support. Each case shall require approval from the SESHA BOD.
4.4 SESHA Conference Co-chairs and Session Co-chairs shall not commit to travel and/or conference cost(s) deferment without expressed approval from the SESHA BOD.
4.5 Speakers and Lecturers who will be attending conferences and other events STRICTLY DURING THE TIME OF THEIR PRESENTATION – NOT TO EXCEED ONE DAY, shall not be required to pay conference fees (if approved by the SESHA BOD).