Historical Perspective – A Comparison of Tests/Models of Silane

Historical Perspective – A Comparison of Tests/Models of Silane 
David A. Quadrini Sr. – Texas Instruments, Inc., Craig M. Doolittle – Wilfred Baker Engineering, Inc. (SSA Journal Volume 11 Number 4 – Winter 1997 pp. 37 – 45 )

This paper provides a comparison of historical data from silane gas tests performed in the 70s and 80s with more recent test data. The bulk of the historical testing was performed by HRC under contract to IBM. More recent tests have been performed by Union Carbide and Factory Mutual Research Corporation/SEMATECH in the 90s. Ongoing tests of large scale field releases are currently being performed by the Compressed Gas Association. The paper first addresses the types of ignition associated with silane releases, followed by a discussion of silane releases in enclosures such as gas cabinets. This discussion includes the effects of cross-flow ventilation requirements as prescribed by National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) code. Recommendations based on the latest experimental information are provided for releases in enclosures. Next, experiments regarding large external field releases of silane are reviewed. Finally, a review and evaluation of the available blast overpressure predictive methodologies is provided, and recommendations regarding their applicability and use are given.



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