SESHA 30th Annual Symposium (2008)

SESHA is happy to announce it will hold it’s 30th annual symposium and exposition at the Doubletree Hotel & Executive Meeting Center, Portland-Lloyd Center in Portland OR, on March 25 through March 29, 2008. Please mark your calendars!

As some SESHA members may know, SESHA had communicated that the 2008 annual symposium would be held in Reno, NV at a facility and date to be announced later, however the Portland location gives us a chance to hold the symposium in a semiconductor hub, and, at a facility that has received the Green Seal certification for Lodging Properties! Please click on the links for more information on the Doubletree, Portland-Lloyd Center, and Green Seal.

We’re excited to be able to offer our members what we consider to be a superior location at a facility that shares our commitment to the environment. Please plan on joining us for what promises to be an outstanding event!


March 25 (Tuesday)

PDC #1
Semiconductor Environmental Safety and Health Boot Camp
Susan Creighton; .S. Creighton Consulting

PDC #2
Silane Safety
Eugene Ngai; Air Products and Chemcials, Allentown, PA

PDC #4
Electric Power Consumption in Fabs and Tools: Understand It and Reduce It
Alex McEachern; Power Standards Lab

March 26 (Wednesday)

Opening Ceremony

Keynote 1
Loving Mondays…Only a Dream?

The Process of Selecting Qualified Construction Contractors;
Chad Stuart, University of Wisconsin-Stout

Hexavalent Chromium Exposure During Demolition of FAB’s;
Andrew Englund, University of Wisconsin-Stout

Barriers to Adopting Ergonomic Interventions in the Semiconductor Industry;
Phillip Clark, Colorado State University

Ion Implantation and the Controls Used to Measure Radiation Exposure;
Kaprice Knaup, University of Wisconsin-Stout

An Analysis of the use of Math Models to Predict Chemical Inhalation Exposure;
Keith Mullen, University of Minnesota-Duluth

An Investigation into the Application of Closed Circuit SCBA for Emergency Response;
Lucas Digman, University of Wisconsin-Stout

Energy/Utility Conservation
Measuring the Energy Consumption of a Semiconductor Processing Tool and Ways to Reduce Costs and Conserve Energy
J.Castile, M.Alaoui, P.Kryska

Life Cycle Assessment Approach to Water Conservation
W.Bates, D.Clark

Upcoming Codes
NFPA400, The New Hazardous Materials Standard

E-Waste Recycling, Rules, Regulations and Resource Conservation:

Eye Hazards From Light Sources

Practical EHS Approaches Related To The Use Of Engineered Nano-Scale Materials

Environmental Practices
Emerging International Regulatory and Policy Trends
T.Rallison, S.Harper

New GWP Values – Affect on the 2010 PFC Emissions Goals
J.Van Gompel, S.Cottle


March 27 (Thursday)

Keynote 2
Sustainability and the EHS Professional

Energy/Utility Conservation
Sustainable Wafer Fabs – LEEDing the Way

The Applied Materials Program to Reduce Product Environmental Impact

ESH Management
Driving a Total EHS Culture

Why World Class EH&S Compliance Does not Need to Cost a Fortune

Vendor Technical Session (Exhibit Hall)
eLearning and its Role in Semiconductor Safety Training
S.Austin, R.Reeves

Leveraging (M)SDS Content for Global Chemical Management
K.Kawar, A.VanKeulen

Going “Green”
Is Your Company Prepared for EICC: The Electronic Industry Code of Conduct?
B.Leet, B.Bennett

Moving towards and beyond carbon neutrality: Greenhouse Gas Emissions Trading for the Electronics Industry

Upcoming Codes
The 2006 and 2007 Buidling, Fire and Mechanical Codes

Vendor Technical Session
Energy Efficiency Improvement for Air Coils in the Microelectronics Industries
B.Jenkins, B.Carroll, S.Clarke

A New Parts Cleaning Process for Porous Materials Used In Semiconductor Manufacturing Equipment
J.Makin, .Fritz

International Codes – Evolving Regulations
REACH Roundtable
L.Beu, D.Speranza, M.Majors

The Health Implications of an Aging Workforce and What It Means to the Semiconductor Industry

Non-Office Ergonomic Evaluations for Applied Materials Customer Engineers

Environmental Practices
The Importance of Environmental Footprint definition and Life Cycle Assessments to your Sustainability Strategy

Managing Environmental Compliance Challenges in R&D Facilities
D.Schiller, S.Botic, P.Dinh

March 28 (Friday)

Keynote 3
Safe Handling of Nanoscale Particulate Matter in R&D Environments

Keynote 4
Nanotechnology and Occupational Safety and Health: What Do We Know?

Comparison of Risk Management Operations from the Semiconductor and Solar Industries
D.Goss, S.Creighton

Globally Harmonized System (GHS) Update

Prevention Through Design – The Life Cycle Safety Program At Intel
M.Barrett, D.Mattos, A.Karsnia

Overview of Flat Panel Display Manufacturing
S.Fox, A.Brown

Emergency Response
Managing Emergency Response Incidents in Cost Sensitive R & D Facilities

Upcoming Codes
Securing the Chemical Supply Chain

“Going Green”
Dell’s Facility Energy Efficiency Efforts

Demonstrating Sustainability Performance through LEED

ESH Management
EHS Management Systems-Turning Information into Action

Doubletree Hotel Green Peace Certification – Information & Discussion

Chemical Security
Chemical Security Anti-Terrorism Standards update: Current status of the regulation

DHS – Chemical Security Roundtable
DHS Chemical Security Roundtable Discussion
C.Freeman, W.Koch

Environmental Practices
Reducing Your Carbon Footprint

Carbon Trading Benefits and Cautions

International ESH – Management
Managing EHS Compliance Globally: Challenges and Opportunities

Overcoming multilingual issues in a global EH&S environment

Emergency Response – TERF Roundtable
TERF Roundtable Discussion

Lessons Learned Roundtable
Lessons Learned Roundtable

Closing Ceremony – SESHA Business Update



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