SESHA Fundraising SOP for Association Educational Programs

June 1998

1. Policy Statement:
The purpose of this policy is to provide general guidelines and procedures associated with the promotion and solicitation of funds for SESHA academic scholarships, educational programs and related activities as approved by the SESHA Board of Directors.

2. Scope:
This procedure provides general guidelines and methodology for the creation of a repository of funds dedicated to SESHA educational programs and includes: development and maintenance of promotional pamphlets, letters and related support data to inform potential contributors of SESHA’s program(s); identifies potential contributors to be contacted; establishes an award schedule based upon the level of contribution(s), and specifies responsibilities for SESHA Board Members and Regional Directors with regard to contact and follow-through of potential contributors.

3. Selection of Fund Raising Coordinator(s):

3.1. The SESHA BOD shall identify members of the Association to coordinate fund raising activities. One SESHA BOD member and one alternate shall be selected to manage the fund raising program.

3.2. The term of office for the SESHA BOD Fund Coordinator and Alternate shall be for two years with no limit to the number of time the coordinator(s) canserve in this capacity.

3.3. The alternate shall ascend to the position of Fund Raising Coordinator after the two year term of office has been completed by the incumbent

3.4. The Fund Raising Coordinator can delegate responsibilities and/or request assistance in the generation of funds from Regional Directors, Regional Advocates, Academic Committee, Vendor Committee and other Association Representatives who can facilitate the generation of funds for this program.

4. Duties and Responsibilities Assigned to Fund Raising Assignees



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