Chemical Security Regulatory Update: How to Ensure Compliance, Increase Safety and Mitigate Risk
Kelly Murray & Marcie Stone
CISA’s Chief of Chemical Security, Region 9, Marci Stone will provide updates on CISA’s Chemical Facility Anti-Terrorism Standards (CFATS) program, including cyber reporting and best practices related to CISA’s risk-based performance standards (RBPS). Associate Director Murray will also introduce ChemLock, CISA’s new, completely voluntary chemical security program, that provides facilities that possess dangerous chemicals no-cost services and tools to help them better understand the risks they face and improve their chemical security posture in a way that works for their business model:
1. Enhance awareness of CISA’s chemical security programs, including cybersecurity measures and tools that help increase security posture.
2. Understand the key considerations for chemical facilities when assessing security and where to find resources to enhance plans and mitigate emerging security risks.
3. Learn more about the tools and services, such as assessments, exercises, and training that CISA ChemLock provides that will help facilities enhance their security posture in a way that works for their business model.