Effective Job Hazard Analyses Implementation: Engaging Management and Ranking Risks by Probability
Dagnan, Andrew*; Zevenbergen, Brian*
(EORM, Inc. & TriQuint Semiconductor, Hillsboro, OR)
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LoginA Job Hazard Analysis (JHA) is an effective way to examine workplace operations, discover health and safety risks, and determine appropriate means to mitigate uncontrolled hazards. When performed correctly, JHAs can lead to a safer work environment and can help strengthen a company’s environmental, health, and safety (EHS) management system. At TriQuint Semiconductor’s request, EORM performed JHAs for tools at TriQuint’s site in Hillsboro, OR to provide a baseline hazard assessment for perceived high risk tools as determined by TriQuint’s EHS department. JHAs were conducted for both operation and maintenance tasks of each tool by observing work practices, interviewing employees and engineers, and reviewing work specifications. Additionally, applicable regulatory requirements were reviewed and research was completed on hazards and engineering best practices. This effort led to the development of a formal JHA review of each tool with recommendations for risk controls. Each JHA was presented to the process and equipment engineers as well as manufacturing and maintenance management. Two unique facets were created during the project which differed from traditional JHA projects: the engagement of both management and equipment engineers throughout the process and the incorporation of a probability risk ranking as a business tool to set EHS priorities for improvement. Process engineering, equipment maintenance, and site management were engaged throughout the process through frequent meetings and presentations. By leveraging the process, operations, equipment maintenance, and procedural knowledge of the tool from working with engineering and management, a highly detailed JHA was produced. Engaging management provided greater understanding of tool usage, work rotations, hazards present, and current practices and rules in place to keep employees healthy and safe. The increased awareness, transparency, and employee participation bolstered employee confidence that hazards, which may have been previously unaddressed, were now being recognized and would be reduced or eliminated. The second unique addition to the JHA project was the development and implementation of probability as a component of the risk matrix in addition to the commonly used measures of severity and frequency. Operations task risk ranking were found to have an increased level of accuracy when probability of occurrence of a risk event was added to the traditional JHA risk matrix. Without the addition of probability, many operational tasks which were believed to be very low risk were being calculated as a much higher risk than they should have been. Incorporating probability provided a more accurate risk score based on the perceived likelihood that an exposure, and subsequently an adverse health effect, may occur.