EHS Design and Installation Considerations for Specialty Gas, Chemical Distribution, and POU Delivery Systems

Gopalakrishna, Varun; Zude, Aaron ; Creighton, Susan
(EORM, Sunnyvale, CA; Facilities and Safety Solutions, Fremont, CA; Applied Materials, Santa Clara, CA)

This workshop will review the key hazards, requirements and implementation of engineering controls associated with gas and chemical delivery system design, construction and commissioning. Participants will learn practices that form the basis for sound design criteria and installation principles of specialty gas, chemical distribution, and point-of-use (POU) delivery systems in both R&D and manufacturing environments. The focus of this full day workshop will be on identifying engineering and administrative controls that enhance the safety, operability and flexibility of these systems. Materials of construction, gas and chemical delivery and maintenance logistics, detection of upset conditions, LOTO practices, and key safety control points will be examined in relation to their role in providing a safe work environment and minimizing business interruption. The workshop will be structured with a mix of presentation and group activities, with participants spending a large portion of their time reviewing examples and schematics prepared for this workshop. It is recommended that attendees familiarize themselves with the fundamental code requirements related to specialty gas and chemical system installation in high tech facilities (e.g. UFC, UBC, TGO) in advance of the workshop.

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