Emission Control from Semiconductor Wafer Fabrication

Emission Control from Semiconductor Wafer Fabrication

Semiconductor wafer fabrication uses multiple chemicals to etch the surface of individual silicon wafers. Many of these chemicals contain VOCs (Volatile Organic Compounds) and HAPs (Hazardous Air Pollutants) which evaporate into the airspace of the tool. When released into the atmosphere these pollutants contribute to smog and ozone depletion as well as the destruction of agriculture and forests. In humans they can cause birth defects, nervous system damage, respiratory ailments, heart conditions and, during massive accidental releases, death. To meet EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) and other national regulations for air pollution control, the emission laden air needs to be captured and treated before being released into the atmosphere.

As is the case with many industrial manufacturing operations, emissions are best destroyed using thermal or catalytic oxidation. These devices employ temperature, time, and turbulence to convert VOCs and HAPs into Carbon Dioxide (CO2), heat and water vapor. Historically, the semiconductor industry has relied on RCTO (Rotor Concentrator Thermal Oxidizer) for compliance. The technology converts the large volume, low concentration streams from fab sets into a lower volume, highly concentrated flow. In recent years, there have been many developments with regards to the RCTO technology that have improved efficiency, effectiveness, reliability, and footprint. If selected, our presentation will examine, in detail, all the latest abatement technology trends and compliance techniques. In addition, we will use real-w

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