FIRE – FIRE – FIRE Proper implementation of Industrial Heaters and Controls To Reduce the Likelihood of Fires on Semiconductor Equipment

Glenn Holbrook

FM Global has estimated 1 in 10 fab locations suffer a fire loss annually. –In comparison, this figure was estimated to be as low as 1 in 100 in other industrial locations. –The average fab loss was $8,000,000 as opposed to $250,000 for other industrial accidents. –The leading loss factor by a considerable percentage (47%) was deemed to be caused by fire. –Most of the accidents involved in the wet chemical cleaning process, and FM states the main cause of these accidents was “heater failure” Due to strict process requirements for stable temperatures heaters are used for a large number of applications in the semiconductor industry. This presentation will explore how the equipment designers can reduce the frequency and severity of fires caused by heaters. Common design deficiencies will be highlighted and a number of approaches to overcome these deficiencies will be presented.

Back to Private: SESHA 42nd Annual Symposium (2021)



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