Hazardous Materials Systems Permitting – A Partnering Approach

Gopalakrishna, Varun; Hansen, Douglas
(EORM, Sunnyvale, CA and Santa Clara Fire Department, Santa Clara, CA)

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This workshop is a follow on discussion to the previous presentation, and will focus on developing and implementing a successful partnering approach to permitting with your local hazardous materials Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ). The workshop will discuss the various information needs of the AHJ with respect to Hazardous Materials use, including the key milestones in the process. The intent of the presentation will be to discuss strategies designed to minimize delays and costs while ensuring compliance with the intent of the Fire Code. The workshop will be structured as a Q&A and open discussion with specific examples being brought forth for discussion by the group. It is recommended that attendees familiarize themselves with the fundamental code requirements related to equipment that utilizes specialty gases/chemicals in facilities (e.g. UFC, UBC, TGO) in advance of the workshop.

Back to SESHA 29th Annual Symposium (2007)



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