Leveraging Product Innovation for Sustainable Environmental Compliance

Cote, Debbie
(PRTM, Mountain View, Ca)

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With the deadlines for EU’s RoHS and WEEE environmental directives behind us, companies are now focusing their attention on active legislation emerging beyond the European Union. The onslaught of environmental directives from critical markets such as China, Japan, and the U.S., are driving the need for scalable global environmental compliance programs integrated with product innovation. In this workshop, we will explore: – An overview of emerging global environmental trends – The competitive advantages of addressing environmental requirements within a product innovation framework – Information technology tools that enable environmental compliance integration with product life cycle management and the supply chain – The EHS professional’s role in assuring environmental compliance and improving a company’s ROI – A case study – One company’s key benefits and “lesson learned” in developing a sustainable environmental compliance management system This session will also include an interactive round-table discussion to address participant questions and further explore company success stories.

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