Minimize VOC emission levels by replacing VOC solvents for wipe-downs and PM related tasks with DI water only

Barrios, Armand*
(Foamtec Internationall, Oceanside, California)

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This paper explores how to replace the use of VOC solvents with DI water only, for PM applications throughout a wafer fab, in order to reduce fab VOC emission levels. Wafer fabs are struggling to meet advanced process parameters while trying to minimize VOC levels, which pose the most likely constraining air permit limit. Benefits include; reducing the amount of VOC solvent waste and the cost/health risk associated with disposing of VOC solvent waste, minimizing the environmental, safety & health risks coupled with fab VOC emissions and decreasing the risk of fire hazards, while improving fab safety for company personnel. Final attention will focus on the dynamics that help engineers meet their advanced process parameters using DI water only for PM related tasks throughout a wafer fab.

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