One Size Fits All: Implementing EHS Standards and Practices in the Face of Globalization?

Liu, Mary*; Lan, Michelle*
(SMIC, Shanghai, CHINA and Applied Materials, Santa Clara, CA)

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The semiconductor industry is a global industry. Many companies have sites located throughout the world, and nearly all companies have customers, from elsewhere on the globe, who require their suppliers to conform to their standards. Yet different geographic regions have different standards and practices, and there are often questions on how to align such standards and practices in a multi-national setting. As the industry, along with the rest of the world, globalizes even further, this issue will only become more prominent. It is often challenging to set and implement rules that are one-size-fits-all. Similarly, what should a company do if international standards or industry practices vary from the local codes? In some cases, there are outright contradictions. This presentation will address some of these concerns and offer some insights, based on the experience of the two authors in setting up and maintaining corporate standards in Asia, as well as implementing international standards that are either not required by or actually conflict with local codes.

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