Point of Use Particle Removal – Keeping the Ductwork Clear

Van Gompel, Joe
(BOC Edwards)

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Some semiconductor deposition process tools generate significant quantities of solids in the form of nonvolatile particulate. Finer particulate ( 99% by weight based on solids entering the electrostatic precipitator from the POU scrubber. In addition to silica, the electrostatic precipitator would be very effective at removing arsenic oxides and P2O5 from compound semiconductor exhaust streams, replacing HEPA stacks after POU devices on these applications. The electrostatic precipitator can either piggyback onto an existing POU device, sharing resources (eliminating additional water costs), or it can be installed as a standalone device following the already-installed POU scrubber.

Back to SESHA 28th Annual Symposium (2006)



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