Use of GaBi as a Life Cycle Assessment tool in estimating Scope 3 Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Disha Gadre
Most semiconductor companies have identified Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) or Sustainability goals and are participating in a Greenhouse Gas (GHG) reporting program such as the GRI, CDP, etc. While Scope 1 and Scope 2 GHG emissions are relatively easy to quantify, Scope 3 GHG emissions estimation can be cumbersome and difficult to estimate due to lack of information and dependence on suppliers.
This presentation explores using an LCA software such as GaBi to estimate Scope 3 GHG emissions. LCA is a process used to examine, identify, and evaluate the energy, material, and environmental implications of a materials, process, product, or system across its life span from cradle to grave. The GaBi LCA software allows the user to custom build a system which can help identify GHG emissions associated with a variety of individual processes including raw material manufacture, logistics and distribution, waste transport and disposal, etc. GaBi has an inherent database with geographic specificity which allows GHG estimation when traditional Scope 3 methods may not provide that information. Additionally, this tool provides resolution into processes and sub-processes to identify large scale GHG consuming activities.
This presentation will explore the use of GaBi LCA software for estimation of GHG emissions via examples as well as discuss how this tool may be used to identify GHG emissions hot spots and set practicable ESG goals for your organization.