Work Planning and Control in ESH Management System

Sherin, Brian
(SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, Menlo Park, CA)

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The SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory is National Laboratory run by Stanford University for the US Department of Energy (DOE). The DOE implemented its integrated safety management system (ISMS) in the early 2000s. One of the key concepts within ISMS is “work planning and control” (WPC), in which workers and their supervisors take an active role in evaluation of the hazards, identification of appropriate controls, safe completion of the work, and improving the process for the future. SLAC began the implementation of its WPC process in 2008 and has realized improvements in process and safety as it has been rolled out over the past few years. Since its implementation, WPC has been part of the reason for a 30% decrease in the average day away/restricted time case rate and a 70% decrease in lost or restricted workdays. This presentation is an overview of the history of WPC at the institution, and some of the results of its implementation. This will include discussion of the challenges of changing safety culture to implement such a program, demonstration of the tools used, lessons learned, and future plans.

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