New England Chapter Mini-Conference August 2009

Event Details

The conference will cover various issues for the semiconductor, photovoltaic and related high technology industries including:

  • Greenhouse Gases: New Massachusetts Regulations Update
  • Toxic Gas Monitoring Best Practices
  • Managing Ergonomic Risks
  • Applying What We’ve Learned from Semiconductor to the PV Industry
  • Radiation Control Program Agenda


Registration & Networking

Welcome and Introductions
Joe Richard (SE­SHA New England Chapter President, Ray­theon IADC)
Steve Roberge (SESHA Past-President, Axcelis Technologies)

Applying What We Learned from Semiconduc­tor to the PV Industry
Vinnie DiGeorgio (FM Global)

Sponsored by Axcelis, Honeywell Analyt­ics, Pacific Packaging and Ergonomics Computer Solutions / Contour Design

Radiation Program Agenda
Mike Whalen (Massachusetts Department of Public Health)

Toxic Gas Monitoring Best Practices
John Cox (CIH, Advanced Technology Solutions)
Jim Belanger (Honeywell Analytics)

Sponsored by Honeywell Analytics, Pacific Packaging, Ergonomics Computer Solutions / Contour Design, Axcelis

Managing Ergonomic Risks
Brian B. Bethel (Sikorsky Aircraft Corporation)

Sponsored by: Pacific Packaging, Ergonomics Computer Solutions / Contour Design, Axcelis, and Honeywell Analytics

Greenhouse Gases: New Massachusetts Regula­tions Update and Roundtable
Dave Cotter (Capaccio Environmental)
Steve Trammell (ISMI)
Tom Diamond (SIA)

Accidents and Incidents


Professional Certification Points

Individuals who physically attend the Mini Conference are eligible to receive certification maintenance points from both BCSP and ABIH. Details will be provided at the conference. Certification points are not available to Simulcast attendees.



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