Enhanced Recording Practices for Better Injury Prevention in the Semiconductor Industry

The scope of this research project was to perform an analysis of OSHA 300 logs and workers’ compensation loss run reports from a sample of semiconductor companies in order to assess current recordkeeping practices in the semiconductor industry. Seven out of sixteen companies (44%) agreed to participate and provide recordkeeping documents. Injury and illness case entries on each form were examined for specificity, and annual company cases were compared between the OSHA 300 log and loss run report. Additionally, the ratio between lost time and no lost time injuries was computed and compared to H. W. Heinrick’s ratio of 29:1 as a way to determine under recording and/or under reporting. Finally, incidence rates were calculated to determine if “dilution” occurs from including non-exposure hours in company-wide incidence rates formula.

SESHA Journal, Summer 2010 Copyright SESHA

Results indicate that the original OSHA form 300 lacks case recording specificity to accurately measure safety performance. Ratios between no lost time and lost time injuries indicate under-reporting. Based on the small sample of data collected, it was found that company-wide incidence rates were shown to be somewhat diluted due to the inclusion of non-exposure hours in the calculations. Enhanced analysis techniques are discussed and an expanded and enhanced form 300 was suggested to be more accurate when measuring safety performance and preventing injuries.



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