Proactive Ergonomics: The Cirrus Logic Approach

Proactive Ergonomics: The Cirrus Logic Approach 
Roger D. Riley – Cirrus Logic, Inc. (SSA Journal Volume 10 Number 4 – Winter 1996 pp. 15 – 25 )

Proactive Ergonomics is a five step process consisting of: (1) Identification of Problem Areas, (2) Workstation Assessment, (3) Workstation Improvements, (4) Follow-up, and (5) Employee Awareness Training. Each step requires careful planning, tracking, and coordination between the Environmental, Health , Safety and Security (EHS&S) Department, Facility Planning Department, Purchasing Department, and the employee in order to ensure overall program success. At Cirrus Logic, identification of problem areas is conducted through a combined effort of the EHS&S Department, the supervisory staff, and the employees. Workstation assessments are performed under two main circumstances: (1) Employee Request, and (2) Identification of Workers’ Compensation Case. Upon identifying a problem area, an initial assessment is performed by an Occupational Therapist (OT). During the assessment, a one-on-one fitting of the workstation environment is performed and additional equipment recommendations are documented. The documentation is then transferred into a database that allows for accurate tracking of all cases. After equipment recommendations have been fulfilled, a follow-up assessment is scheduled. This follow-up is intended to ensure that the recommended equipment is being properly utilized and behavioral recommendations are being implemented. Employee awareness training is the most critical component to the success of the program. Behavioral recommendations and equipment additions when combined with increased employee awareness provides for a complete program. Good employee morale stemming form increased employee awareness provides a significant benefit to the company as well as the employees.



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