Water Mist Fire Suppression for Electronic Equipment Applications
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James A. Milke, Ph.D., P.E., Stacy R. Neidhart and Brooke D. Strahlen – Department of Fire Protection Engineering, University of Maryland (SSA Journal Volume 12 Number 2 – Summer 1998 pp. 25 – 32 )
Numerous experiments have been conducted at the University of Maryland during the last 3 years to evaluate the performance of a water mist fire suppression system for a variety of applications. One application includes protection of the interstitial space below a raised subfloor. Experiments are conducted as part of an ongoing research effort to compare the fire suppression capabilities of various water mist system designs in a raised sublfoor space. Water mist system design parameters to be investigated include means of actuation, concentration of water mist required for extinguishment of fires, and delivery mechanisms of water mist within close proximity of the fire. Delivery of the required concentration of water mist within close proximity to the fire is a principal factor governing the adequacy of water mist suppression systems. This paper provides and overview of the ongoing research effort. Result of one aspect of the research presented here involve comparing the density of water mist necessary for extinguishment for various nozzle types and distribution.