ISO 45001 Overview and Expectations

September 12, 2018, 4:00 PM EDT

An overview of ISO 45001 requirements, what is new and different from OSHAS 18001, elements of a good safety management system and what to expect if ISO 45001 certification is in the future for your company.

Presenters: Melita Elmore is a Principal Consultant with BSI EHS Services and Solutions and is a certified ISO Lead Auditor for ISO 45001 and 14001. She has over 20 years of experience as a business owner, senior project manager, industry executive and state regulator and has performed over 300 audits during the past decade. Her areas of expertise include environmental and safety management systems, including development and implementation of programs, multi-media auditing (safety, environmental, management systems and labor/human rights). She is also responsible for the BSI Gulf Coast region for marketing and management of sustainability issues and programs, including corporate social responsibility reporting and life cycle/materiality assessments, and water and energy conservation.

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