Semconductor Fab Greenhouse Gas Reporting Requirements and POU Abatement Test Methodologies

Mike Sherer

Trinity Consultants, Phoenix, AZ

The electronic industry greenhouse gas (GHG) reporting rule (40 CFR Part 98 Subpart I) was revised on November 13, 2013. Many items were changed that could affect compliance with Subpart I reporting. This PDC will review wafer fab GHG reporting using 40 CFR Subparts A, C and I. In addition, EPA test protocol for GHG destruction or removal efficiency (DRE) testing including additions provided in 40 CFR Part 98 Subpart I Appendix A, and using Site Maintenance Plans for the ability to use GHG DREs will be discussed. Stack testing will be mentioned but not included in much detail. This PDC will be half-day in length.

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