Increasing Value through Deep Integration of Product Stewardship within the Product Development Process
Castorano, Michael; Connor, Paul
(Dow Electronic Materials)
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LoginEnvironmental, Health, and Safety (EH&S) programs have the responsibility to minimize risks to human safety and the environment. Prompt identification and resolution of EH&S issues during the product development process is essential to good product stewardship. The Dow Electronic Materials Product Stewardship Team has developed a set of tools and processes that ensure early resolution of EH&S and commercial barriers to market. These tools allow the Product Stewardship team to foresee possible roadblocks and work to alleviate them before the product reaches the next critical step in its development process. As an added bonus early integration in the Product Development Process allows Product Stewardship to steer research and development towards more sustainable raw materials and products. Through these tools and work processes Dow Electronic Materials Product Stewardship Program is seen as not only providing value in EH&S, but business value as well.