PDC 9 HAS BEEN CANCELLED! Implementing Business Continuity Planning– The Domino Effect
Monteon, Xochitl
Business Continuity goes beyond the initial minutes to hours response that EHS professionals may manage in their normal Emergency Responder role. Business Continuity Plans address the question—-What do we do when we have evacuated the facility, but there is no facility to return to? This can be caused by natural hazards, man-made threats (terrorism, workplace violence, sabotage of IT systems, etc.), or they can be as simple as a forklift breaking a sprinker head. Either way, how will your organization react? Where will employees go? How will your customers be provided continued service? How will you alert your partners or suppliers? During this workshop, participants will be educated on the Business Continuity Planning Cycle. This includes: Risk Assessment/ Mitigation, Business Impact Analysis, Recovery Strategy Selection, Cost/Benefit Analysis, Recovery Strategy Implementation, Plan documentation, Training and Testing. The workshop will furhter explore the BCP process as it relates to HM-232, Homeland Security and the Sarbanes-Oxley Act. Participants will be provided sample templates to assist them with elements of the BCP process and will leave with a general understanding of the various phases and requirements.