PDC 9 – Toxicology and Biometrology of Arsenic Compounds Used in III V Epitaxial Growth Environment.

Organized by: Nicole Proust; THOMSON-CSF LCR ORSAY France

Target Audience: Intermediate (2-10 Years Experience)

It is very important to take speciation into account when toxicology and biometrology are evaluated. There are two kinds of arsenic chemicals: mineral and metalorganic molecules. The most important species and their physicochemical properties will be briefly presented. A special attention will be paid to solubility (insoluble, water or lipid soluble). Metabolism, detoxification and intoxication will be simply presented for a lot of arsenic species of both families (AsH3, TBA, DMAAs, arsenobetaine, GaAs…). Associated biometrology will be discussed, human experiences on volonteers conducted by toxicologists will be presented. The objectives being to understand the kinetics of metabolite excretion (dependent on the As starting molecule) and to be able to choose the right time for urine sampling. This is particularly important in the case of low exposure. Interferences caused by the diet (fish, water…) make the interpretation of the urine analysis difficult. The detail of the variuos metabolites excreted after consumption of such food will be reported. The results of biometrology obtained in our research center will be presented and compared to a recent work done on a non exposed population. And finally a review of the major health problems in the world (China, India…) related to mineral arsenic exposure will be done.
(This is a part of “Toxicology and safety in microelectronics”, a course awarded in Europe in 1992. First price in the category “Experts in Health and Safety at Work”).

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