Roundtable on Corporate Social Responsibility Issues- Evolution and Emerging Issues

Sandy Skees; Josh Kang; Justin Murrill
(BSI, Austin, TX and Samsung, Austin, TX and AMD, Austin, TX and BSI, San Jose, CA)

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Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is how an organization is able to assess and take responsibility for the company’s effects on environmental and social wellbeing. It is a natural outcome from early work on environmental and safety management systems and the subsequent focus on sustainability issues. This round table will look at how CSR has evolved over the last decade, hear from several differing companies’ assessment of their own current CSR processes and how CSR has impacted internal and external stakeholders, as well as hearing about new issues of CSR information for investment strategies. The panel will be presented from five experts in CSR arena. Discussion Topic 1:CSR from Management Systems to Sustainability to Social Responsibility: The Importance of Transparency in CSR and Sustainability Reporting: (confirmed): Sandy Skees is BSI Practice Leader in Social Responsibility and Sustainability/Regional Director for BSI California Brief Presentation (≤ 20 min):Providing an overview of how CSR has evolved in the last decade; its natural off-shoot from management systems to sustainable strategy to what CSR is today. Sandy will also discuss the importance of clear transparent communication in social responsible reporting and the need to involve the top tier of leadership. Topic 2:A site specific CSR (confirmed):Josh Kang, Environmental and Sustainability Specialist Samsung Austin Brief Presentation (≤ 20 min):What was the decision process to make a site specific CSR for a large scale semi-conductor manufacturer, and how was the environmental department able to coordinate with the Legal/Public Affairs office in a short period of time to produce a report? How was that report distributed and what was is the feedback? Topic 3:CSR as a way of Tracking Supplier Compliance (tentative): Justin Murrill is Senior Manager of Corporate Sustainability at Advanced Micro Devices (AMD) Brief Presentation (≤ 20 min): How does AMD coordinate the CSR reporting data within their Supply Chain logistical team and what values/risks are considered when looking at direct suppliers vs indirect suppliers? Topic 4: CSR Expert (TBD): Brief Presentation (≤ 20 min): Topic 5:What Financial Institutions Look for in CSRs (to be confirmed):Susan Burns, Director of Finance for Change, Global Footprint Network. Brief Presentation (≤ 20 min): Susan now advises credit rating agencies and financial institutions on environmental risk in investing, and uses CSR information as part of the processes to identify whether a company is a strong risk investment, or whether through its poor social responsibility and environmental performance, some financial institutions are deciding to pass on particular companies in their portfolios. Panel Moderator: Melita Elmore, BSI Principal Consultant, CSR Manager/ISO Lead Auditor

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