Seismic resistance enhancement of Semiconductor Fab based on lessons learned from Great East Japan Earthquake

Kaido, Atsushi
(Rnesas Electronics Corporation, Kanagawa, Japan)

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The Great East Japan Earthquake (M9.0) on March 11 2011 causing giant tsunami, soil liquefaction, land subsidence and nuclear power plant accidents brought devastating damages in north-eastern Japan. Renesas Electronics Naka factory was damaged severely by the 3.11 Earthquake and had to suspend the production activities, resulting in serious impacts on supply chains of automobile and electric industries. Based on the lessons learned from the 3.11 Earthquake, we conducted comprehensive reviews of our Business Continuity Plans (BCPs) and revised them in order to ensure our ability to maintain a stable and continuous supply of products to our customers. Now we are deploying the lessons learned to all our fabs to attain resistance to the 3.11 class earthquakes under our new BCPs. This presentation will introduce seismic resistance enhancement of semiconductor fab based on lessons learned from the 3.11 Earthquake.

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