Texas Instrument’s Perspective on Occupational Exposure Assessments

Schaefers, Gene*; Lotspeich, Christie
(Texas Instruments)

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Employees are the most valuable asset to Texas Instruments (TI). TI’s industrial hygiene program has the primary responsibility for measuring the possible long-term health impact to these employees from their work in our industry. The core program that is used to measure possible health impact is exposure assessment of all chemical and physical agents. Exposure assessment provides the basis for determining if employees have long-term health risks that require closer monitoring and management. The purpose of this session is to share TI’s perspective and experiences in implementing and using exposure assessment as a tool for protecting the long-term working health of employees against chemical agents. The presentation will discuss how TI establishes similar exposure groups and the uses qualitative aspects of exposure assessment to determine when exposure monitoring is needed. Examples will be given of how exposure monitoring data is used in annual reassessments of the exposure groups along with an overview of TI’s experience for the past two years.

Back to SESHA 25th Annual Symposium (2003)



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