SESHA 25th Annual Symposium (2003)

SESHA – 25th Anniversary Celebration

2003 Annual Symposium

April 13-17, 2003

Marriott Rivercenter, San Antonio, Texas


April 14 (Monday)

Keynote 1
25 years of EHS Challenges
David Bergeron, Corporate Vice President, Applied Materials, Inc.

Keynote 2
EHS Challenges Presented by Emerging Semiconductor Technologies
Terrence McManus, Intel Fellow and Director of Environmental Health and Safety Technologies, Intel Corporation

Session 1
EHS Leadership Forum

Leadership Round Table 1:
EHS Implications of the Economic Downturn: Methods for maintaining performance levels, development and engagement

Leadership Round Table 2:
EU Challenges, The Unpredictable Regulatory Landscape in Europe
Julian Lageard

Creating and Managing a Corporate Responsibility Program: A Case Study and Discussion
Dave Stangis, Intel Corporation

Additional Presentation:
SARS – An Atypical Pneumonia
E. Aton, Washington University

Session 2
“Back to Basics” – EHS Boot Camp for SEMI

An Overview of the Semiconductor Manufacturing Process
Benson, R.

Current Perspectives in Industrial Hygiene: Microelectronics Manufacturing
Aton, E.

“Cradle to Grave” EHS Management of Semiconductor Processing Equipment
Hendricksen, K.

Round Table 1
Semiconductor Emergency Response Forum (SERF) – SERF Survey, ERT Issues, and Standards of Practice
Caller, J.

Round Table 2
Abatement Technologies
Guszkowski, E.

April 15 (Tuesday)

Session 3
Occupational Health & Industrial Toxicology

Semiconductor Manufacturing: An Introduction to Occupational Health Issues of Processes and Hazards
Wald, P.

Texas Instrument’s Perspective on Occupational Exposure Assessments
Schaefers, G.

An Approach to Chemical Review, Approval, & Hazard Communication
Fischman, M.D., M.

Health Concerns of the Semiconductor Industry
Avery, A.

Session 4
Code Developments

Energized Electrical Work Practices in a Clean Room Environment
Durham, G.

NFPA 318 The Standard for the Protection of Semiconductor Fabrication Facilities

SEMI® International Standards – Guiding ESH in the SC Industry

International codes and code adoption overview

Student Scholarship Presentations
Student Scholarship Presentations

Occupational Exposure Limit Proposal for Ethyl Lactate
Korshukin, M.

Assessment of Methods Used to Measure Fume Hood Performance
Mulenga, E.

Behavioral Based Safety: Solution of the Past of Key to the Future?
Anderson, R.

Possible Links Between Currently Used Semi-Conductor Solvents and Reproductive Effects
Alo, A.

An Analysys if the Green Building Concept as it relates to the Semiconductor Industry
Tiffany, D.

Arsenic Exposure in Gallium Arsenide Device Manufacturing: An Evaluation of Control Methods during MBE Maintenance
Ash, S.

Phytoremediation of Copper as a Micro Nutrient
Feia, A.

Environmental Health and Safety Concerns with Thin Gate-Oxide Materials
Moibi, T.

A Look at Perfluorooctyl Sulfonates in High-End Lithography for the Semiconductor Industry
Tario, N.

Emergency Response Capabilities of Semiconductor Manufacturers in Minnesota and Wisconsin
Lor, M.

Session 5
Chemical Management & Stewardship

ISMT Proactive approach to mangement of novel semiconductor chemicals
Speranza, D.

Environmental, Health and Safety Assessment of Emerging Photolithography Technology
Heaps, J.

Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA): Current Events Heighten Awareness for Semiconductor Industry
Bade, R.

Electronic Specialty Gas and Chemical Product Stewardship

Session 6
Environmental Issues

Can 300 mm Wet Tools Meet ITRS Water USe Goals?
Chiarello, Dr. , R.

Water Reuse in the Semiconductor Industry – Myth or Reality
Rimer, A.

Chemical Waste Facility Qualification Program
Claybaugh, J.

Sustainable treatment of HF wastewater from semiconductor Industry using a Crystalactor
Van den Broeck, K.

Round Table 3:
E-Technologies to Simplify and Improve EH&S Performance
Parker, R.

Daily Closing Session in Exhibit Hall / Daily Raffle

April 17 (Thursday)



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