Waste Minimization: Is It Cost Effective During Decommissioning and Decontamination

Belk, William
(DECON Environmental Services, Inc., Hayward, CA)

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To evaluate the financial and environmental impact of waste minimization during decommissioning, one must first understand the decommissioning process and the components of that process. In this presentation we will look at the General Decommissioning Process Flow (see Process Flow below) and some of the key sub-components or tasks that need to be executed as they apply to waste minimization. In addition, we will view a case history where applying waste minimization strategies has provided savings on the cost of decommissioning and reduced the negative impact to the environment. General Decommissioning Process Flow >Flow 1 – Project Scope >Flow 2 – Schedule Planning and Resourcing >Flow 3 – Decommission All Systems, Sub-systems and Components >Flow 4 – Disposition of Systems, Sub-systems, and Components Plus Waste Handling This presentation will provide the listener with specific steps that will answer such questions as: * What are the decommissioning process steps for mothballing or fully closing a manufacturing facility? * What specific process flow tasks/subtasks does the management team need to address during decommissioning to identify what systems, subsystems, and facility infrastructure can provide the best financial savings by applying waste minimization strategies and actions? * What are some examples of applying waste minimization solutions and how much money was actually saved? * Are there areas in the decommissioning process that do not provide financial or environmental value to employ waste minimization solutions?

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