Professor Michael R. Czerniak

Environmental Solutions Business Development Manag Edwards and University of Bristol

Mike gained his PhD in Electrical Engineering at Manchester University (UK) in 1982. Starting his professional career with Philips, initially in their UK R+D labs & subsequently in the fab in Nijmegen, Holland. He had subsequent marketing roles at UK-based OEMs Cambridge Instruments, VSW and VG Semicon before joining Edwards 21 years ago. He has held various technical and marketing positions before beginning his current role 2 years ago. Mike has numerous published articles and patents to his name, co-chairs 2 SEMI standards committees, participates in the IRDS, is a UK PFC “expert” on the UN IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, and now is a lead author) and has authored the chapter on Vacuum and Environmental issues in the Handbook of Semiconductor Manufacturing (2nd edition). He has been a Visiting Industrial Professor in the School of Chemistry at the University of Bristol since September 2017. Mike has been married for 39 years and has 2 grown-up children.

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