Robert James
Building inspection services UL, Northbrook, IL
Robert J. James Global Building and Security Inspection Lead UL, LLC. Robert J. James is the UL Global Inspection Leader of the Buildings, Fire, Life Safety & Security Industries inspection programs for UL. His responsibilities include directing the managing and providing guidance for the UL global building and security inspection plans. This includes Life Safety inspections and fire protection related technical support, providing educational seminars, developing internet based training programs, service on the model fire code committees and serving as a liaison between the UL fire service research staff and the regulatory community. Bob continues to be active with the UL research team for firefighter safety and fire forensics activities. Bob currently Chairs the NFPA 400, Hazardous Materials Code, and is an alternate member on NFPA 101 TTC, NFPA 3-4, NFPA 1030 and NFPA 1730. Prior to this assignment, Bob was the Fire Marshal for the City of Bloomington MN. Mr. James provided the supervisory activities for the fire prevention department at the city, including plan review, inspection, investigations, and public education relating to fire protection. His experience includes actively engaged in fire protection enforcement community for 30 years both in the private sector and as a previously member of the MN State Fire Marshal Division.