SESHA 24th Annual Symposium (2002)

All online information regarding the SESHA 2002 Symposium can be accessed from this page.  Further information about the meeting is available below:

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April 3 (Wednesday)

Keynote Forum
Keynote Forum

Bioterrorism, The Threat of Biological Agents and Toxins on Industry (Lt. Colonel Donald L. Noah, DVM, MPH, DACVPM, U.S. Airforce, Chief, Public Health & Epidemiology Department, US Army Medical Research Institute for Infectious Diseases (USAMRIID) )

State of the Union for Semiconductor Research (Chief Operating Officer, International Sematech)

Future Environmental Challenges for the Semiconductor Industry (David J. Hayes, Chairman of the Global Environment Department at Latham & Watkins; former Deputy Secretary of the Department of Interior)

Managing Safety at Multiple Locations Without On-site EHS Staff
Fisher, S.

How’s your Safety Management System? A Case Study for Developing and Implementing a SMS
Brandt, K.

Starting a Fab from Scratch – Developing a World Class EHS Culture
Pianalto, S.

Establishing and Implementing an Environmental, Safety, and Health Program for a New III-V Compound Semiconductor Company
Olexia*, D.

Results of Surveys to Evaluate the Cost and Benefits per Employee of Adopting An EMS
McHugh*, L.

Chemical Use Restrictions
Higgs, T.

Assessing the Relative Global Warming Potentials of Various Activities in a Microelectronics Semiconductor Fabrication Plant (Fab)
Seif, D.

Managing Fluorine Emissions at Semiconductor Fabrication Facilities
Smylie, M.

Costs & Benefits of Adopting an EMS
Midgelow, L.

An Overview of the Semiconductor Manufacturing Process
Benson, R.

Semiconductor Manufacturing: An Introduction to Occupational Health Issues of Processes and Hazards
Wald, P.

Effective Training Methods
Taylor, K.

Leadership Forum

Roundtable A
Using E Technologies to Enhance EHS Program Performance (Exhibits and Demonstrations)
Dennis Curran

Roundtable B
Code Developments and the Potential Impacts
Reinhard Hanselka

Roundtable C
Environmental Regulatory Development Issues
David Hayes

April 4 (Thursday)


Laser Safety in Semiconductor Applications
Jamali, Jay

Assessments of Semiconductor Products Containing Lasers to Meet CDRH and ANSI Criteria – A Case Study for a CMP Tool
Visty, J.

How to characterize hazards in emerging technologies? The GaN epitaxy example.
Proust, N.

Identifying and Managing Risk in the Global Corporate Environment
Kleinsteuber, M.

Subatmospheric Gas Systems and the Fire Codes — Trying to Fit A Round Cylinder Into a Square Book
Stookey, S.

Environmental, Safety and Health Benefits of Using Sub-Atmospheric Hydride Sources for MOCVD
Raynor *’, M.

NFPA Update and Impact to the Industry (NFPA 318 & NFPA 5000)
Benson, R.

Water Water Everywhere And Not A Drop To Use
Rimer, A.

Environmental Indicators: Benchmarking Performance
Sheinbein, R.

Water Conservation in Semiconductor Manufacturing
Chiarello, R.

Water Conservation Round Table
Cooper, T.

Fab Decommissioning: The Outline of One Approach
Stadlman, C.

Ensuring the Safe Movement of Used Seminconductor Manufacturing Equipment
Barnes, R.

Chemical Tracking and Environmental Reporting Via the Web – A Working Solution
Gibbs, L.

Chemical Management Services: A Case Study in the Semiconductor Industry
Whaley, D.

Current Perspectives in Industrial Hygiene: Microelectronics Manufacturing
Aton, E.

One-on-One to High Fives: Five Easy Steps to Creating a Safety Culture
Grieve, R.

Gas Chemical Systems
Benson, R.

The Value and Application of Threshold Limit Values
Birkner, L.

Components of an Effective Emergency Response Team
Jamali, J.

What is a HazMat Technician?
Taylor, K.

Emergencies: I’ll Show You Mine, If You’ll Show Me Yours
Rodstein, J.

Emerging Issues: The EHS Professional and Weapons of Mass Destruction
Aton, E.

Using Intranet Technology to Enable ESH Initiatives
Bruner, J.

“Learn from the mistakes of others …”
Barnes, R.

A Dedicated Website Makes a More Effective EHS Department
McCarrick, H.

Total Cost Assessment Methodology
Turton, D.

Managing Organizational and Individual Progress and Achievement
Schneider, S.

Integrated EH&S Objectives and Targets: A Focus on Performance and Cost Improvements
Thomas, C.

Achieving Sustaining World Class Safety Performance: Effective Leadership
Scully, C.

Developing EHS Goals
Weigand, R.

Roundtable D
Managing EHS with Fewer Resources
Kristyn Malina

Roundtable E
Semiconductor Emergency Response Forum (SERF)
Duane Caldwell and Joe Caller

Roundtable F
Compound Semiconductor Abatement Technology Development
Brett Davis



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